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Sunday, August 19, 2012

In Canada

This is my third day in Canada since we came, and the thing i noticed so far is how friendly the people are. I think it is absolutely adorable, and for a lady who wears the hijab to be treated just like everyone else means a lot to me. Perhaps that is the difference between canada and the US. The city we are in is known for its friendly people and that its where most canadians retire.

This morning we went to eat at Cora's breakfast which was absolutely DELICIOUS! We had to wait about 20 minutes to go in, thats how filled it was but time passed quickly as we met some aquaintances. I ordered french toast covered in chocolate and it had bananas and strawberries on top with corra's special sauce which was an absolute delight. I can't believe how identical the picture in the menu is to the dish. So brilliant!

Today is also the first day of Eid al fitr, so no more fasting.Today, I also finished reading the book my uncle got me, and i'm so excited to go to any library to borrow the second book. I haven't been in a public library since three years and i'm SO eager to go to one and just relax and read and read and read. The sheer thought makes my heart flutter.

After breakfast we went to check the new couch my sister ordered and then to the park for my little sis. There i found a few starfishes and crabs beneath the rocks. We dropped my oldr sis back to the apartment then drove to buy some shorts for my little sister Dana, alas we didnt get her any, yet we got her a backpack and i got some boots for the winter and two coats and some other things. i stayed in the car when mom went to buy a chicken from sobey's. She got me some sushi cause i dont like chicken. hehe i love sushi!

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