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Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Awkward Iftar

After mom came from work, dad had gathered us and handed each one of us a Qur'an book. He said he wanted us to take turns in reading and that he will be doing this for the rest of the month. The problem was Dana, because she was only 11 and not only was she weak in Arabic, but she also disliked reading in general. As all kids would have done, she swayed, complained, whined, and drifted off every few minutes. Surprisingly dad remained calm most of the time, he has an extremely short temper. I hate that about him. He did smack her arm lightly once though, and she almost cried. This wasn't the best quality time, but at least he's taking apart of Dana's childhood. I don't recall him much in mine.
We ended up laughing at the end when we started correcting mom when she reads, she really hates being corrected it's funny. Then we laughed some more when Dana finished reading because she takes so much time reading and arguing over a single verse. we were all forcing ourselves to do this, because we got so happy when it was over. I think we're going to do this again tomorrow, it's kind of funny, I'll just put Dana in my lap again when we're reading.

To pass time by, my sisters and I started googling tattoos on several celebrities.

When iftar time came, we went upstairs to Grandma's and it was extremely awkward. I sat to eat, and noticed that the little kids were on the table, and my mom and sister were standing up. Mom told Dana to get off and she sat, but my sister went to eat on the couch. I'm not too sure about the rest of the world, but since when do children sit on the dining table while the grown up sit else where? the kids should get kicked off to the kiddie table the way we used to get kicked off to eat on the floor when we were kids. I didn't think it was proper for me to tell someone else's children to move, so I got up and told my older sister to take my seat. My older sister is the type of annoying stubborn nice that dislikes to take anything that someone else wants so she refused and I just kept insisting because my blood was boiling.
 Mom noticed us and told "Fate's" children " since when do the children sit on the table while grown ups are here" and she got one girl to get off and put my sister in her seat. Fate got angry, and replied with "why are you calling my daughters not raised well? by the way, their grandma told them to sit on the table they didn't do it on their own."  and of course mom likes to have the last word " I didn't say they were not raised well" my mother replied.
My grandpa ended up silencing them both, then everyone left after drinking their soup to go pray and smoke, and just blow off tension by walking it off. 

I found two chairs and put them in the living room, to make peace I told the children they can sit on the table if they put their chairs there. Why is it that people have no common sense? if there's a 21 year old lady standing, the 11 year old girl needs to get up and let her sit. This is life, you respect your elders. Later, everyone returned, we talked awkwardly together until the Turkish coffee arrived, which basically means "good bye" for Arabs. My uncle wouldn't sit or drink coffee around my dad, he just disappeared. They're still not talking to each other.

Afterwards, all the kids and my sisters played uno and so I joined. My sister then left me with five girls for several hours. She told me not to leave Dana alone. I didn't know my uncle wanted to stay until midnight!

They played around and I sat on the couch and tried to watch t.v. then got bored and played with my phone. Twitter was a bitch, so I switched to taking pictures of the girls around me. I realized that Dana was alone with the two older ones, so I went to that room and started taking their photos too. I ended up breaking up a game of truth or dare. This game never brought any good to anyone, that's what I learned from high school. Afterwards, I took videos of the kids. Most were lame and I'm not sure if I can post any on here; I mean, I don't even say names.

My other uncle dropped by with his wife later on and then grandma served us some ice-cream and, later on, some watermelon. I'm still so very hungry.

At 11:30 I got angry and went home because I realized I just wasted so much time there doing things I don't particularly enjoy. I just fed up!

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