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Saturday, May 6, 2017

3rd Project for Simulated Patient: The OSCE!

God, what a long day!

I just returned from my job as a simulated patient. I was participating in the OSCE exam, which today tested first year medical students.

We did four runs, and each run had ten students, and some resting time. I arrived by 7:30 am then left at 6:45 pm, but the great thing about this, is that it wasn't a hard job, it's actually really fun and I thoroughly enjoyed it. At first I was really nervous, because I had to have the questions I'm asking the students memorized, not my forte! I was afraid I would forget or mislead them in their responses. But, I got better and it's so interesting seeing the different faces and answers to my questions.

The food was great, so many veggie options and lots of snacks!!

 I really learned so much. I mean, I feel that I nailed how to answer the questions I asked, that's one. But, I think I learned how to answer questions too, I feel I learned how to give feedback from watching the examiners (and medical professionals) give constructive criticism and positive reviews to the students. I'm working on my own body language, seeing that my feet don't touch the floor because I'm vertically challenged, I tend to cross my legs, which is closed body language. So, I'm trying to lean forward while I sit so that I would avoid this.

Moreso, I networked a lot. chatting with the examiners and other fellow simulated patients really helped me pick my thoughts. For once, one person told me to look into optometry and orthoptics. While I knew optometry, I never knew orthoptics exists. Another person told me to check with Downtown's business commission because some events will be held and he recommended I ask that I face paint at those upcoming events. This could actually be great for the fundraiser I'm doing for the homeless shelter this year. I think I will do one event for myself and the other for donation. I mean, I am trying to make some money to pay off for the MCAT course I've taken.

When a 76 year old doctor talks to you about medicine and you almost cry... that was me as I was waiting for the bus indoors. It's pretty unfortunate that I'm caught between committing to medicine..and learning when to let go.

I think I'm very, it's quite difficult to balance the two.

Hopefully, all goes well, because if you're Korean you may understand this, I'm stuck in still water. I'm stuck in a lake...and the water just isn't flowing.


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