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Thursday, June 6, 2013

Al Israa wa al miraj

Today is the day prophet mohammed had made his trip from Mecca to Jerusalem and back over night.
We aren't really supposed to celebrate it but in this day we usually bring some sweets over to grandma. I suppose it's a small family tradition.
So, today our grandma invited us and uncle number 3 and his wife for lunch. We ate msakhan and chicken. msakhan is usually a meal eaten in winter since it is basically bread soaked in olive oil with a coating of onions on top and roasted chicken. Now, to reduce that fat, we probably just lightly spread some oil on it. The gathering was tons of fun. Mom and grandma were talking about second wives of men. The conversation with mom almost always turns to laughter and in the end grandpa was like,"what are you telling my wife!"
 Afterwards we ate some watermelon, and it tasted so sweet. Dad and I really don't know how to pick a watermelon. Mom told me you have to hit it, if it gives off a ring then it's ripe. I'm gonna try that in the future, and i'll look mighty stupid in the stores holding a melon to my ear and smacking it.
I went home and blanked out on the couch for an hour. I don't know why I slept, and mommy gave me two kisses on my cheek when I was half awake. It was a little odd, I don't remember mom giving hugs or kisses to me since we both don't like them. She, like me, is not the affectionate type. So, even though I hate kisses, and she was no exception either I still accepted it cause I love her so much. We played ludo with mom, and she won. Then my and my sister played chutes and ladders twice, and we both won.
Later in the night, our grandma called us upstairs to eat knafa, an arabic dessert. 

I went with my sisters to buy chips because she was craving it at 10 pm, then went upstairs to take the knafa down for my mom. We ate, I watched an arabic dubbing of a korean show on mbc action and now I'm watching a movie.

Alhamdulellah, today was a good day.

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